pro3dure medical & Gro3X annouce strategic partnership


pro3dure medical and Gro3X announced today a strategic partnership on marketing, promoting and distributing a select line of products, e.g. 3D-printing resins that have been validated for 3D-printing solutions such as Asiga and Structo 3D printers. The partnership focuses on pro3dure’s dental segment in North America.



About pro3dure medical: 

pro3dure medical is headquartered in Iserlohn, Germany and provides customized and proven technology solutions in the dental, audiology and medical space with a focus on additive and subtractive manufacturing methods. Its worldwide broadest portfolio of 3D-printing resins for dental applications and the patented THERMEO® milling blanks are manufactured in Germany. Backed by Scheu Dental Group, pro3dure medical can leverage additional synergies to create superior user and patient value.


About Gro3X: 

Gro3X is located in Charlotte, NC and Designs Memorable Experiences. It focuses on building a community that strengthens family owned dental labs and dental offices. Gro3X’s main activities are in marketing, promoting and commercializing dental education, technology solutions and services for dental professionals.

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